
New Media Services

+ Denggle.com

Advertising on Denggle’s Official account in Face book and Instagram

+ Sygle.com

New Media Matrix contains 50 accounts in 13 platforms with total fans over 1,510,000, covering We-chat, Tiktok, Microblog, Linked-in, Facebook, Xiaohongshu, Sohu, Doutiao, Netease, Zhihu, Xiaoertong, Etc.

+ Sjgle.com

– Precision Marketing –

Tailor made EDM services covering 60000 people from the industry

– Wechat Promotion –

Promotion on the subscription account of SJGLE.COM with 55000 fans, 2645441 annual PVs and 3500 PV per post.

+ Cphi.cn

Promotion on the official we-chat account.